Proverbs 7 continues the counsel and consequences of applying discretionary wisdom. The wiles and woes of immorality in general and adultery in particular are never outdated. Presented in gender-specific language then yet now it is relevant and applicable to human interactions today.
v. 2
How can a believer get to live fully and freely?
v. 4
Wisdom here means u_________________________ing with common sense and insight.
v. 5
Wisdom warns one against associating with i_____________________l and adulterous individuals.
v. 7
Often young people are devoid of w________________.
v. 10
An immoral person has a _________________ (no sense of s____________) heart.
v. 23
How much can adultery cost the individual?
You can be b_______________ d__________.
v. 25
>How can the phrase "Cease & Desist" apply to v. 25?
>Is resisting immoral activity impossible?
v, 26
Adultery can lead to the downfall, destruction, even d_____________ of people.
v. 27
The way of the immoral woman (or man) can lead one to the grave (h_______).
v. 2
How can a believer get to live fully and freely?
v. 4
Wisdom here means u_________________________ing with common sense and insight.
v. 5
Wisdom warns one against associating with i_____________________l and adulterous individuals.
v. 7
Often young people are devoid of w________________.
v. 10
An immoral person has a _________________ (no sense of s____________) heart.
v. 23
How much can adultery cost the individual?
You can be b_______________ d__________.
v. 25
>How can the phrase "Cease & Desist" apply to v. 25?
>Is resisting immoral activity impossible?
v, 26
Adultery can lead to the downfall, destruction, even d_____________ of people.
v. 27
The way of the immoral woman (or man) can lead one to the grave (h_______).