This chapter is titled "Don't Assume You Know It All"(msg)! Written for youth who often think they
"know it all"(lc).
vv. 1-2
Not forgetting God's law but keeping God's commands brings you what?
vv. 3-4
Not forsaking mercy and truth, you find what?
vv. 5-6
"L _ _ n not; L _ _ _ n a lot!" "Wisdom works; w _ _ k w _ _ _ _ m!"
vv. 7-8
"Don't assume you know it all" brings you h____________h and s_____________________.
vv. 9-10
"Putting your money where your mouth is" to God f___________ t, brings...
vv. 11-12
God c________________s those God l__________s.
"know it all"(lc).
vv. 1-2
Not forgetting God's law but keeping God's commands brings you what?
vv. 3-4
Not forsaking mercy and truth, you find what?
vv. 5-6
"L _ _ n not; L _ _ _ n a lot!" "Wisdom works; w _ _ k w _ _ _ _ m!"
vv. 7-8
"Don't assume you know it all" brings you h____________h and s_____________________.
vv. 9-10
"Putting your money where your mouth is" to God f___________ t, brings...
vv. 11-12
God c________________s those God l__________s.