Read, review and respond to the following:
v. 1
>What to "remember"?
vv. 2-5
>Life declines as humans a______.
>Circumstances likely become da______________ and di___.
v. 5
>Humans are all headed to their ______________ destiny.
v. 6
>Eventually life can be characterized as b___________ and s__________________.
v. 7
>The human ________ returns to the earth.
>The human ____________ returns to Creator God.
v. 8
>Ecclesiastes says "All (life) is vanity", that is, nothing makes __________!
v. 9
>Words of the wise are like a "Shepherd" who g___________ and n_____________.
v. 13
>What is life all about?
v. 14
>What happens at eternal judgment?